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Old Apr 28, 2009, 03:18 AM // 03:18   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Default Rate these Ranger builds, no flaming please. Kinda new to this.

^^ says all.

One of these i found on the GWG but i didnt want to necro the post. im unsure of the actual post actually, as i copied and pasted the info to word and saved it.


Ranger/who cares, not used anyways
Marksmanship 14 (11 base +3 superior rune)
Beast Mastery 13 (11 base +1 rune +1 mask)
Expertise 9 (8 base +1 rune)
Wilderness Survival 4 (3 base +1 rune)
Health +41 (Major Vigor rune)
Droknar's Forge Druid Armor


[Penetrating Attack]
[Precision Shot]
[Tiger's Fury]
[Ferocious Strike]
[Feral Lunge]
[Troll Ungent]
[Comfort Animal]
[Charm Animal]

The 3 points in WS were mainly because I couldn't put them anywhere else, but having a +5 regen on TU is better than the base +3. Having an expertise of 9 seemed optimal for me, my 5 energy skills cost 3, and 10 energy skills cost 6, I couldn't really justify the AP to raise it to 13 for the next significant drop.

Some of the skills are variable. I will sometimes swap my attack skills (PA and PS) for others, such as [Savage Shot] for interrupting, etc, depending on what task I need to accomplish. I like [Feral Lunge] for the low energy cost and bleeding damage, it's always nice to watch an enemy's health start dropping suddenly. [Troll Ungent] is very optional, depending on if there's a competent healer in the group, and on how busy they're likely to get healing others. If I can keep myself going in some tight situations, one less person for the healer to worry about, but if it's not going to be that much extra stress, I'll grab something else. Other skills I'm likely to use, [Favorable Winds] for one, it's done well for me, but I generally only use it when alone or with a couple rl friends, since mission groups never seem to want to slow down long enough for me to cast it. Also, I've toyed with [Symbiotic Bond], but I've seen a few threads claiming it is broken, and I've noticed that when used, there is no icon to indicate if it's active, so until that issue is cleared up, I'll probably avoid it.

Now for the meat of the build: [Ferocious Strike] and [Tiger's Fury]. Spamming FS nets me 6 energy (9 energy-3 to use skill), so when I use it right, I hardly ever run out. Yes, TF disables nonattack skills for 5 seconds, so what? FS has an 8 second recharge, and FL is 10 seconds. It's all about timing. I activate TF when I first attack a target, joined with my attack skills. During this time, my pet is still closing the distance to the target, so no real time loss there. By the time my pet reaches the target, I can hit FS for some energy, followed by FL to bleed my prey, at the same time continuing my bow attacks - that's one thing I love about the build, damage from two sources at once. As energy permits, I follow FS and FL with another TF, get it right and there's no downtime on my skills. I keep comfort animal handy so I can keep my little energy mine going, and res him if needed. However, even if my pet is taken out, between TF and two attack skills, I'm not exactly helpess. Definetely less effective, but not helpless.


Originally Posted by Marveric
Why not just run Prepared Shot with 15-16 Marksmanship? It's sufficient for energy management and you don't have to take points away from damage.

First, because running that much in Marksmanship detracts too much from Expertise...and second, because Prepared Shot

First, because running that much in Marksmanship detracts too much from Expertise...and second, because [[Prepared Shot] can't keep up with that kind of energy drain. Also, the lack of an IAS makes Prepared take far too long to shoot for far too little payoff (and thirdly, in the case of 16 Marksmanship, because running superiors makes me fear for my character's life).

Tops, you're getting a +9 return from Prepared if you're not running a ridiculous amount of Marksmanship and you're using a Zealous bowstring. That's not even two [[Asuran Scan] casts. And smacking things with [penetrating attack] and [sundering attack] while under [asuran scan] makes things drop fast enough that you're going to be casting Scan really, really often.

On another Spike-ish PvE note, I've been running this on Frostmaw's runs lately:

[triple shot]
[dual shot]
[needling shot]
[asuran scan]
[glass arrows]
[I am the strongest]
[ether signet]
[mantra of inscriptions]

Expertise: 11+2+1
Marksmanship: 11+1
Inspiration Magic: 8

You can probably get by with a different skill substituted for [mantra of inscriptions], but it definitely makes life easier in general usage. I do like taking [[inspired hex] or [[revealed hex] in Frostmaw's though, just in case Gwen doesn't take care of Wurm Bile quickly enough.

And it's just funny hitting with Needling for 103 Armor-Ignoring DPS on those big wurms...

Last edited by blindfired; Apr 28, 2009 at 03:21 AM // 03:21..
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Old Apr 28, 2009, 03:55 AM // 03:55   #2
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[Pain Inverter] Is amazing for Frostmaws because of the wurm siege/bile, as is volley, splinter barrage, etc... because of all the groups of enemies that group up and you can hit together. Single target damage is usually wasted.
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Old Apr 28, 2009, 06:02 AM // 06:02   #3
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[Point Blank Shot]+[Zojun's Shot]+["I Am The Strongest!"]+EITHER[triple shot]OR[dual shot]OR [Sundering Attack]+[Asuran Scan]+[Glass Arrows]+[Lightning Reflexes]+ Optional. Major damage. Tested it in the Isle of the Nameless... 1,800 dmg over 15 secs. btw use a Vamp Recurve/Shortbow. Best ranger build for PvE.
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Old Apr 28, 2009, 06:16 AM // 06:16   #4
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Originally Posted by blindfired View Post


Ranger/who cares, not used anyways
Marksmanship 14 (11 base +3 superior rune)
Beast Mastery 13 (11 base +1 rune +1 mask)
Expertise 9 (8 base +1 rune)
Wilderness Survival 4 (3 base +1 rune)
Health +41 (Major Vigor rune)
Droknar's Forge Druid Armor


[Penetrating Attack][Precision Shot][Tiger's Fury][Ferocious Strike][Feral Lunge][Troll Unguent][Comfort Animal][Charm Animal]
i'd go for this:

Marksmanship 11 (10 + 1)
Beast Mastery 13 (11 +1 +1)
Expertise 11 (10 +1)

[Screaming Shot][Distracting Shot][Tiger's Fury][Enraged Lunge][Scavenger Strike][Companionship][Comfort Animal][Charm Animal]

tiger's fury will disable [[Companionship], [[Comfort Animal] and [[Charm Animal], allowing [[Enraged Lunge] to easily deal it's max dmg

PS: don't use superior runes (except for superior vigor), losing 75hp for a few points of extra damage is not worth it.
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Old Apr 28, 2009, 01:50 PM // 13:50   #5
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It's PvE, use all the Superior Runes you want, who cares.

That's what Rez Shrines, OP PvE Buffs and Stupid AI are for.

Though I don't recomend haveing 3 Sups on at once, haveing a Sup Marks or Expertise really WON'T hurt anything unless your a stupid Leeroy and charge into every battle out of the range of your monks, but why in the hell would you ever do that as a Ranger with RANGED attacks.
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Old Apr 28, 2009, 06:27 PM // 18:27   #6
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If you really want to run through PvE like a hot knife on butter, you'll want to run [broad head arrow] with [epidemic] and [splinter weapon] on a hero. This build is particularly powerful in HM. In NM, just run whatever really.

If you want to deal large DPS by yourself, I suggest running [prepared shot] and lots of DPS bow skills such as [triple shot] and the sort.

I disagree with you saying that /secondary is not useful. Rangers are all about versatility and utility. Often a secondary will accentuate its usefulness and it will at the very least, allow you to become more familiar with other classes. You are right that Rangers skills are very sufficient, but new experience builds knowledge, which is what you need if you are new at GW.

BTW, don't ask for "good secondaries." They all are good in some way.
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Old Apr 29, 2009, 02:54 AM // 02:54   #7
Wilds Pathfinder
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The build I'm currently running in HM is similar to your BM one

[Penetrating Attack] [Keen Arrow] [Ferocious Strike] [Scavenger Strike] [Predator's Pounce] [Charm Animal] [Comfort Animal] [Resurrect]

It's nothing big or special, just something fun to do whenever I get sick of the barrage spam build.
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